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Sculptural Face Lifting

Facial sculpture is an impressive alternative technique of natural lifting and rejuvenation without pain and without the side effects of injections and plastic surgery, inspired and discovered by the Russian-Jewish Yakov Gershkovich, from whom we were trained.


What is this technique based on?

In the muscles. It's like doing gymnastics on the face just like you do gymnastics on your body making sure your muscles are firm and achieve better blood circulation and oxygenation exactly the same you do on the face.

So just as gymnastics tightens the body, Sculptural Face Lifting repositions the shape of the face, has excellent results on swelling especially in the premenopausal and menopausal phase of a woman's life.

The first visible result is a face that looks more relaxed. It is the deep massage that results in a lifted face, restoring its shape and reducing swelling.

The first part involves skilful manipulation of the whole face. Sculpting in the muscles is achieved by massaging across the entire surface of the skin.

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The second part involves massage techniques through the oral cavity (with sterile gloves). In this way the facial muscles are toned both internally and externally at the same time.

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n Greece, the Sculptural Face Lifting technique is applied only by 16 trained and certified therapists, among whom is Mrs. Esther Nachman

The certification comes from the International School of Yacov Gershkovitch (author creator and master trainer of sculptural facelifting).

Facial Treatments

Sculptural Face lift

Sculptural Face lift

6 - 10 Sessions


6 Sessions
Gua Sha

Gua Sha

8 Sessions


8 Sessions
Beauty Golden Bar

Beauty Golden Bar

Excellent device for skin care

(ZOEN) from the initials of the greek words
«Ζωή Ένθεν» that means «Life Within»

The ZOEN wellness therapies area was created in order to help through the complementary therapies of reflexology, electro-acupuncture and cupping to improve, balance and relax the body's functions, thus helping in many conditions.

Most of these practices have been practiced for thousands of years by many ancient cultures, including ancient Greece, where in ancient Asclepias, pressotherapy similar to that of reflexology was practiced.

In addition at ZOEN wellness therapies you can relax with rejuvenating facial massage sessions such as sculptural facelift, rejuvance, gua sha, beauty golden bar (BGB) and finger tips energizing (FTE) for a natural "lifting" effect where the face becomes firm, youthful and radiant. Also fingertips energizing calms stress and improves your sleep.


ZOEN Wellness Therapies is an Accredited Reflexology Laboratory

since 2014 & Certified Member of the Professional Association of Reflexologists since 2014.

Esther in Media